One of my Emacs’ favourite features is Eshell. However recently I wanted to create a function, that automatically toggles eshell, like vscode, and gives priority to the project root (if in project). This little code snippet does exactly that:

(defun binary-eshell/toggle-eshell ()
  (let ((eshell-buffer-name (binary-eshell/eshell-buffer-name)))
    (if (binary-eshell/eshell-toggled-p)
        (delete-windows-on eshell-buffer-name)
        (if (project-current)
            (let ((default-directory (project-root (project-current))))

(defun binary-eshell/eshell-toggled-p ()
  "Checks if eshell is toggled."
  (let ((eshell-buffer-name (binary-eshell/eshell-buffer-name))
    (dolist (element (window-list) result)
      (if (string= eshell-buffer-name (buffer-name (window-buffer element)))
          (setq result t)))

(defun binary-eshell/eshell-buffer-name ()
  "Returns the name of the eshell buffer. It works on the basis of the following rule:
If the current buffer is part of a project, then name it on the basis of the project,
else name it on the basis of default-directory."
  (let ((eshell-buffer-name))
    (if (project-current)
        (setq eshell-buffer-name
              (concat "*eshell-" (project-name (project-current)) "*"))
      (setq eshell-buffer-name (concat "*eshell-" default-directory "*")))))

Call binary-eshell/toggle-eshell and voila! It opens an eshell window, for you to work on! With this, I have hopefully shown you how you can incorporate eshell even more into your workflow.